Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Meridian's $16,000 CD player

(Credit: Meridian Audio)

Some Cravers out there had a few choice words for a $17,000 Blu-ray player we featured last week, so we can't wait to hear the opinions on this one.

Meridian Audio, also known for its Ferrari label products, now has a CD player that's selling for $16,000. That's right, just audio--no DVD video, no Blu-ray. You can read all the gory details here, though Luxurylaunches points out that the "808.2 Signature Reference" player has something called a "Resolution Enhancement System" and features "a novel digital speaker connector you can hook up to any of Meridian's compatible DSP speaker range." How nice.

If they're going to charge that much, the least they could do is give us something interesting to look at. In the meantime, that old boombox is looking better all the time.

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